I e-mailed this brief letter to Criterion Games today. If you have a PS3, and/or Xbox 360, and/or gaming PC (being released in February 2009), you should definitely purchase Burnout Paradise. It's one of the best games I have ever played, and enjoy many aspects of the game's design. I hope that everyone else, that has already bought and played this game, has gotten as much enjoyment from it as I have.
Hello Criterion,
I just wanted to thank you guys for making a fabulous game. These days, it’s hard to find games that provide a real return on investment, like Burnout Paradise (BP) does. BP achieves outstanding success in pretty much every area of game design. It has breathtaking graphics (despite being only 720p), it has an incredible soundtrack (I love the classical music, and the electronic remixes of other songs), it has phenomenal multiplayer integration (the seamlessness makes it quite appealing), it has awesome-looking slow-motion crashes, and the continual support of new, free content has blown me away. Keep all of this up in future games, and you will continue to be exceedingly successful and respected.
You know, of all the great things I have to say about Burnout Paradise, it’s really only lacking one major thing … instant replays. I can’t really think of anything else that’s missing, but having the ability to save instant replays of crashes, and races, would make the game all that much better.
Thanks for listening, and for making one of the best games I’ve seen on the PS3. Your hard work, focus on the customer, and excellent designers and developers, have made Burnout Paradise a shining star amongst a heaping pile of failed attempts. Keep up the good work, Criterion.
Trevor Sullivan