Retrieving a list of SCCM SP1 compatible vPro /AMT clients
If you're running System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 and you have the ConfigMgr client deployed, and you have Intel vPro clients, you may want to know how many clients you have. Here is a quick script that you can use to get a list of Intel vPro clients that are running AMT firmware version 3.2.1 or greater, and are natively supported by ConfigMgr OOB (out-of-band) management. Replace the
SiteServer and
SiteCode variables, and you'll be good to go!
Option Explicit
dim SiteServer, SiteCode, AMTQuery, svcs, AMTAgent, AMTAgents
SiteServer = "SCCMServer"
SiteCode = "LAB"
AMTQuery = "select * from SMS_G_System_AMT_Agent " & _
"join SMS_G_System_Computer_System on SMS_G_System_AMT_Agent.ResourceID = SMS_G_System_Computer_System.ResourceID " & _
"where AMT not like '3.0%' " & _
"and AMT not like '2%' " & _
"and AMT not like '1%' "
set svcs = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & SiteServer & "\root\sms\site_" & SiteCode)
set AMTAgents = svcs.ExecQuery(AMTQuery)
for each AMTAgent in AMTAgents
wscript.echo AMTAgent.SMS_G_System_Computer_System.Name & vbtab & AMTAgent.SMS_G_System_Computer_System.Model & vbtab & AMTAgent.SMS_G_System_AMT_Agent.AMT
wscript.echo vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Total count of ConfigMgr SP1 compatible vPro clients: " & AMTAgents.Count