Windows XP Shortcut Key Frustrations
Okay, so my machine at work was imaged for me when I started here, and unfortunately, one person seemed to think that using ctrl+alt+home on a shortcut file to a script, and then sticking it in the All Users profile was something that
everyone should use. Since I have other uses for ctrl+alt+home, specifically Winamp's global hotkeys to pause my music, I really wanted to get rid of this shortcut. At the time, I didn't know the shortcut existed, much less
where it existed, so after searching around, I found a utility that lists out shortcut files with XP global shortcut keys assigned to them. I deleted the shortcut file, but lo and behold Winamp
still wouldn't register my global shortcut key!
Great ... I figured I was stuck, but then I thought of a workaround: Find another shortcut file, assign the global hotkey to it, apply the change, and then remove it. Voila ... after doing this, Winamp was able to successfully register the hotkey :)