Deploying a BIOS Update to Dell Systems
DISCLAIMER: I am in no way responsible for any damage to any system cause by following the instructions in this article. This is purely informational and should only be used by trained Systems Administrators well-versed in both computer hardware and software. Your actions, your responsibilities. :-)
So, if you're a Systems/Network Administrator, a Desktop Admin, or maybe even part of a smaller helpdesk staff, you may be familiar with the task of BIOS upgrades. BIOS upgrades have been a pesky task, often because there hasn't been a method of upgrading large numbers of systems simultaneously, or at least automatically. What I'm going to show you today is how you can use a few simple components to update the firmware on any number of Dell Systems automatically. For simplicity's sake, I'm not going to go into the details of how to actually deploy a script, because that's ultimately up to you, although I'll leave a couple of recommendations for how you
could do it.
My Situation
In my particular case, I have approximately 550 client computers needing BIOS upgrades, which consist of a variety of Dell Optiplex GX270 and GX280 small form-factor (SFF) desktops; Most of them are the older 270's. This morning, I happened to notice that on 7/21/2006, Dell released a new revision of the GX270's firmware. This prompted me to investigate some method of deploying the BIOS update, especially since I've come across this situation before, but haven't had the brains to find a real resolution to it; That said, Dell's Support department didn't exactly help that much ... despite a couple calls placed this morning, I ended up telling both technicians I spoke to how to do it in the end. One of them didn't even know what Dell OpenManage was before I told him about it ... *yikes*
What You Need
You really don't need much to complete this seemingly onerous task. Within about the next 15 minutes, I'll bet you have a pretty good idea in mind of how to approach this. The four things you need to mass-update your desktop computer's firmware are:
- Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation (OMCI)
- Basic Windows Scripting Host skills
- The executable file for upgrading your system's BIOS (I've only tested the GX270's)
- Some method of deploying a script file (I'll get into this later)
Armed with these four tools, you'll be able to get your entire network up-to-date in no time. Now that we know what we need ahead of time, let's get down to the grindstone and make things happen!
How It WorksThe basic process is going to look something like this:
- Deploy the OMCI to all client machines (no reboot required)
- Extract the ever so valuable HDR file from the BIOS update executable
- Whip up a quick script that uses the OMCI's WMI provider to flash the BIOS
- Deploy the script
Deploying the OMCIDeploying Dell's OMCI is pretty simple. You'll want to download the latest version of the client for your system from As of this writing, the most current version if
v7.3. After unpacking the file you download from Dell Support, you'll be left with a
setup.exe and a couple other files.
Setup.exe is the one we want from here; You'll want to run this from the command-line on each computer you want to install the OMCI on: "setup.exe /s /v/qn". This will instruct
setup.exe to execute silently, and will pass the /qn CLI parameters to
msiexec.exe which instruct it to operate quietly with no user interface. Once you get this packaged up, here's a few methods you could use to deploy it:
- Novell Zenworks Desktop Management
- Microsoft Active Directory Group Policy Startup Script
- Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003 Application Package
- Script using WMI's Win32_Process class to spawn a process locally or remotely
Extracting the HDR FileSince we are using the OMCI to install the BIOS update, we can't pass the executable file to it, we have to give it an HDR file. If you're using a Windows computer to extract the HDR file, open a command prompt, cd to the folder where the BIOS executable resides, and run the following command: "
-writehdrfile" minus the quotes. If you're running a Linux system, Dell has
some instructions on how to extract the HDR file from the executable. I'm assuming that most of you will have a Windows workstation available to do these operations on. Now that we've got the HDR file, put it on a network share accessible to your clients (eg. \\server\ITshare), and then let's look at how to create a script to install the new update.
Write a Quick ScriptWell, when I said whip up a script earlier on, I really meant it; This script will be 2 lines long and will perform the task of updating the machine's BIOS. First, a little bit of background; The Dell OMCI actually isn't much more than a WMI provider that exposes quite a bit of information and functionality to the WMI service. Once installed though, it started popping up a bunch of messages at me about chassis intrusion, but how to disable those dumb notifications is beyond the scope of this article. Basically, our script will connect to the newly installed namespace (root\dellomci), grab the
Dell_Configuration class, and call the
FlashBios static method (
more on static classes/members), passing it the path to the HDR file as its only parameter, to finally update the system's BIOS. Without further to do, here we go:
set dellconf = GetObject("winmgmts:root\dellomci:Dell_Configuration)dellconf.FlashBIOS("\\server\ITshare\gx270.hdr")Yep, that's it. This is what you'll want to run on the systems you want to update with this BIOS version. Pretty simple script isn't it?
If you want to investigate more functionality in the OMCI, I encourage you to use the wbemtest utility provided by Microsoft in Windows XP and connect to the root\dellomci namespace. Choose Enum Classes --> Recursive --> OK for a full list of classes in this namespace.
Deploying Your Script
Well, now that we have all the pieces together, we can finally deploy the script to our clients. Again, we can use similar methods as above to deploy the script:
- Novell Zenworks Desktop Management
- Active Directory Startup Scripts (untested)
- Remotely spawn a process using the Win32_Process class in WMI (root\cimv2)
- E-mail out a script file to users (unreliable/insecure)
Once you've decided on one of these methods to deploy your script, you should be good to go.
ConclusionWell, I hope this short tutorial has provided some insight to someone out there. I took the time to write this guide because my own attempts to locate information regarding BIOS deployment failed pitifully. I couldn't really find any firm answers to many of my questions, especially about using OpenManage IT Assistant to send out the firmware updates. No one at Dell could give me straight answers, and no one knew how all the pieces fit together properly. My initial attempts to resolve this predicament began a little over a year ago, but I gave up trying to find information on it. After learning about scripting, WMI, and other general computing concepts, I was finally able to gather the pieces myself and make everything work the way I wanted it to. If anyone would like to ask questions about this tutorial, or about WSH scripting, WMI, or related technologies, I'd love to hear them. Please feel free to e-mail me at pcNOSPAMgeek101 at Until next time ....
Trevor Sullivan