Quick VBscriptWell, today I briefly developed this script (under one minute I think) to grab a serial number from a remote computer using WMI. It's not exactly an elegant script, as it'll throw a nasty error if it can't contact the remote computer, although if you know the computer is most likely on, you should have no problems retrieving the serial # from it. Anyway, without further to do, here it is: strComputer = inputbox("Computer name:") set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") sClass = "win32_bios" sQuery = "select serialnumber from " & sClass set results = objWMI.ExecQuery(sQuery)
for each result in results wscript.echo strComputer & " :: " & result.serialnumber next
¶ 3:29 PM