Introduction to myselfHello, my name is Trevor Sullivan. I'm a resident of the great (yet cold) state of Illinois in the US. My life through now has always consisted of anything and everything computer-related. I've fallen completely in love with computers and technology, and no matter what subject you name about computers, be it network administration, programming using simple scripts, web applications, or even gaming, I always want to know more and learn more about it. Despite the large amount of knowledge available regarding computers, I strive to learn everything I can get my hands on. I'm currently mostly a Windows user, although I do have a server running FreeBSD 5. My current job is in IT, and I assist end-users with computer hard/software issues, and pretty much manage about 200 desktop computers in a Microsoft Active Directory domain. Despite my love for administering large numbers of workstations and helping out with Windows 2003 servers, I also very much enjoy programming. I've taken a big interest into scripting to make reconfiguring the desktop computers easier, faster, and more consistent, and most recently, I've been doing my best to learn C# and the .NET 2.0 Framework so I can develop both my own web applications, windows forms applications, and hopefully some basic games once I start looking at the DirectX API. Programming has always catptured my interest, and the ability for one to create his/her own applications to perform whatever task they need or want is quite powerful. Anyway, I must be going now, but hopefully I will continue to keep this blog updated with my experiences with my various skills using computers so that someone else may learn something from my efforts.
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